Attention Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Please take a moment to read over the following change to our device policy:
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) WILL NOT be allowed during class, in the restrooms, or the locker rooms for any reason. Students will only be allowed to use PEDs during passing time and lunch.
PEDs shall be defined as cell phones, smart watches, AirPods/earbuds, tablets, etc.
First Offense: PED confiscated. The incident will be documented with a discipline referral. Students may pick it up from the office at the end of the day. Second and
Subsequent Offenses: PED confiscated, detention/ISS assigned. PED returned at the end of the day. Students may not be allowed to have PEDs on campus if violations persist.
Students will be required to place all PEDs in the provided caddy during each class period.