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Senior Scoop Update

Thursday's Senior Scoop mentioned the Local Scholarship Timeline. In order to help Seniors and their parents sort through the Local Scholarships that will be available, I will be sending information regarding each scholarship listed on the Local Scholarship list.

We received confirmation of the following scholarships Friday morning:

  • The Seneca School Foundation will award scholarships of $1000 each to 10 SHS Seniors.

  • The Seneca School Foundation will also award La-Z-Boy scholarships of $2,000 each to 5 SHS Seniors.

These applications will be available in March (see timeline below).

Local Scholarship Timeline 

  1. March 5 Local Scholarship List is available for pickup in SHS Counselor's office. The completed form will be returned to the student with selected scholarship applications 24 hours after it is turned into the Counselor's office 

  2. March 12 last day to pick up Local Scholarship List

  3. March 26 All Local Scholarship applications are due by 3:30PM

Lori Brock

For information regarding safety on any campus, please contact our School Resource Officer (SRO):  Officer James Kelly, Phone: 417-776-3926, Email:
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