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SHS Senior Meeting (12/11/24)

FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Complete the form to apply for financial aid for college, career school, or graduate school.

MO Priority Deadline = February 3 Federal Deadline = June 30

A+ students and their parents MUST complete the FAFSA!


The purpose of the ACT is to give colleges and universities an idea of how prepared you are for college-level work.

Next National ACT date: February 8 Registration Date: January 3 (next ACT April 5)

Why take the ACT?

The ACT shows the range of your knowledge – giving a view of your abilities. Colleges use ACT scores to place you in the right classes at the right level.

The ACT can help save money on tuition.

The ACT includes a profile and education/career planning section to help you plan for life after high school.

What should I be doing now?

Apply to colleges and make note of application and financial aid deadlines.

Go on campus visits and meet with admissions and financial aid advisers to help you narrow or finalize your college choices.

Colleges usually want to know if you plan to enroll for the fall semester by May 1.

Create FSA ID then complete FAFSA; Once you file your FAFSA, watch for your FAFSA Submission Summary. Check it for accuracy and make any necessary corrections.

Applying for scholarships is similar to applying to college. Be sure to check the eligibility

requirements before spending the time to apply. Once you have determined you are

eligible, read the application carefully, fill it out completely, and meet the application

deadline. Usually, you will need to complete and submit an application, highlight your

personal and academic achievements, and provide letters of recommendation. Many

scholarship applications also require you to write an essay.

Work on essays for scholarship applications.

Missouri United School Insurance Council - Dr. Darrell “Jack” Holley MUSIC Scholarship 

Amount: $2,000

Criteria: Only one application from SHS will be submitted to the awarding organization, to be determined by the SHS Scholarship Committee.  Scholarship is based on academics, school activities, leadership, community service, and essay. Applications must be typed and submitted to Mrs. Lori Brock (hard copy or emailed to, along with one letter of recommendation from an administrator, counselor, or teacher. Do not obtain principal or superintendent signature. The deadline date on the application does not reflect our deadline date.

Deadline: January 17, 2025

National FFA Scholarships

Amount: varies

Criteria: Numerous scholarships are available, most of which require FFA membership.

Deadline: January 9, 2025

Community Foundation of the Ozarks

Community Foundation of the Ozarks administers 450 scholarships, each with its own criteria.

APPLICATION PERIOD: January 1 – March 24

National Honor Society Scholarship

Applicant must be a high school senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA who is a member in good standing of their NHS chapter and has been nominated by his or her local chapter. Each National Honor Society chapter may nominate two applicants based on leadership, scholarship, character, and service. Contact your local National Honor Society adviser for further information.


Applicant must be a graduating high school senior entering their freshman year of college who is the child or grandchild of a United States veteran. Applicant must be a United States citizen, be able to demonstrate academic promise and financial need, and authorize AMVETS to publicize the award if they are selected.

Local Institutional Scholarship Links

City Pointe Beauty Academy PDF File:

Other Options

Consider job shadowing for a closer look at career options.

Find apprenticeship opportunities at

Check out benefits from each branch of the military by talking to a recruiter or visiting

For information regarding safety on any campus, please contact our School Resource Officer (SRO):  Officer James Kelly, Phone: 417-776-3926, Email:
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