Board Policy ADF requires the assessment of the adherence to the wellness policy and guidelines be conducted a minimum of once every three years. Members of a school wellness committee have completed the assessment of the compliance with the wellness policy guidelines and setting future goals to determine progress in attainment. The results of this assessment will be made available to the public. The copy of the assessment will be published on the district website.
Section 1: General Information
School District included in the assessment: School District of Seneca R-7, Seneca, Missouri
Month and year of current assessment: June,2024
Date of last Local Wellness Policy revision: August 17, 2017
Website address for the wellness policy and/or information on how the public can access a copy:
Section 2: District Wellness Committee Information
How many times per year does your school wellness committee meet? Four
Designated District Wellness Leader
Name | Job Title | Email Address |
Jami Wilson | Lead Nurse |
District Wellness Committee Members
Name | Job Title | Email Address |
Heidi Boyer | Director of Food Services | |
Dan Hueller | High School Principal | |
Becky Bale | JR High Principal | |
Will King | Intermediate Principal | |
Greg Hatfield | Elementary Principal | |
Matt Gasaway | Physical Education Teacher | |
Sandy Prince | School Board Secretary | |
Angie Clark | School Nurse | |
Christian Hutchinson | Parent | |
Dakotah Gil | Student |
Section 3: Assessment Summary
The wellness program coordinators, with input from the wellness committee members, completed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wellness Policy in Action Tool (WPAT) to measure the overall effectiveness of the Seneca R-7 School District’s wellness program. The use of this assessment tool provides scoring for written policy and implementation as well as recommendation for next steps to improve the district's wellness policy. As a part of the assessment process the wellness team agrees to review and update the district’s Wellness Program Guidelines and Procedures.
Junior High/High School WPAT Results
Elementary/Intermediate WPAT Results
The Missouri Consultants for Education model policy was used for comparison to Seneca R-7 School District’s current policy. In agreement with the results from the WPAT, the written policies and procedures need to be reviewed and updated to promote overall wellness for our students, employees and community.
Section 4: Program Goals
The team approach to the program assessment encouraged input from multiple perspectives leading to development of the following goals in each of the content areas:
School Health and Safety Policies and Environment
Review written policy and procedure with administrators to increase awareness of guidelines and importance of adherence in the school sites.
Nutrition Education
Review and update the written policies and procedures.
Standards for School Meals
Review and update the written policies and procedures.
Competitive Foods and Beverages
Review and update the written policies and procedures.
Physical Education and Physical Activity
Review and update the written policies and procedures.
Wellness Promotion and Marketing
Review and update the written policies and procedures.
Community Involvement
Strive to maintain existing and develop new community partnerships to increase resources for students and families.
Section 5: Next Steps
The wellness committee members will meet to establish an action plan that will include reviewing written policies and procedures and recommending updates to the district's school board for approval. Additionally, establish an action plan to increase the number and diversity of committee members. Information regarding the wellness policy as well as related wellness guidelines and procedures will be available on the Seneca R-7 School District website.